What is food addiction?

Food Addiction

Food addiction is emerging as a major health problem among all age group. Various studies revealed food addiction an important factor for the increase in a number of the overweight and obese population globally.


Food is the basic necessity of life. It is an important aspect of our wellness and survival. Food adds the pleasure and enjoyment in life and gives a reason for social gathering. Food not only provides essential nutrients for a healthy life but it also gives the pleasure through taste, smell, color, texture and palatability. However, for many individuals, the flavor and aroma of the food can become as addictive as a drug.

All the flavoring agent present in food such as salt, sugar, oil, spices, herbs etc. triggers brain for the release of a chemical compound known as dopamine. The release of dopamine in the brain gives the feeling of pleasure and it creates a positive link between food and emotional well-being. This whole process results in Food Addiction.

For every food addict, food becomes the source of pleasure. Even though the stomach is full, the desire to eat is never over.


The biggest problem with any addiction is its identification and when we are talking about “Food Addiction” situation worsens.

We all need food for our growth and well-being but we don’t know when our healthy food consumption practice takes the shape of food addiction.

There are various symptoms associated with food addiction

  • Depression
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • Beige Eating

Some of the common signs to know you are Food addictive.

  1. Constant eating
  2. Obsession about what to eat, when to eat, how to eat and how to get the food
  3. Eating at odd timings (late night eating)
  4. Overeating during meals
  5. Hiding eating habits from friends and family
  6. Eating even when full
  7. Eating during every mood swing
  8. Excess eating in social gatherings
  9. After repeated trial, failing to keep the rules you have set for eating
  10. Unable to control the desire of eating, despite knowing that they are causing physical harm (includes weight gain)

Food addiction is a condition that tends to progress gradually. If not taken care it can result in lifelong obesity and associated health problems. It can also result in various life threatening Non communicable diseases.


If you or someone you know had been struggling with a food addiction, you may totally understand its effects on your life and the complications it creates with every passing day. If food addiction is considered mere habit and the problems generated is ignored or left untreated, it will start affecting your body parts and will make you susceptible for various life threatening diseases.

Food addiction might damage various body organs internally resulting in chronic symptoms. It also makes you less active which later results in isolation from peer groups. In order to come out of food addiction a proper understanding of the problem, how it affects different aspects of life is needed.

The following are some of the effects of food addiction:

  1. Physical Effects – There are many negative physical consequences associated with Food Addiction. According to the severity of the problem some of the physical effects are listed below:
    Chronic problems – Heart disease, Diabetes, Obesity, Chronic fatigue, arthritis, stroke, osteoporosis, liver/Kidney disease.
  2. Acute problems – Malnutrition, sleep disorder, lethargy, headache.
    Psychological Effects – Food addiction can be debilitating to mental health especially if there is a lack of support or inadequate help. These are some psychological effects like low self-esteem, depression, pain attacks, the feeling of increased anxiety, feeling of sadness, hopeless, emotional detachment, suicidal intention etc. that may be experienced with food addiction.
  3. Social Effects – Food addiction also impacts on social life and relationships. Food addicts show a noticeable decrease in their performance at work or school. They get Isolated from loved ones and loose interest from hobbies or activities.