The best available FDA approved and over the counter medication for baldness in men or women comes in the form of an anti-hypertension (high blood pressure) medication. Minoxidil solution or its foam which has been accidentally discovered is the utopia for all people experiencing male pattern baldness. During its testing for FDA approval, it has been observed that the subjects were showing unexpected hair growth. As of the time of the writing of this article, Minoxidil is the only FDA approved product that is used for treating androgenic hair loss. It should be noted that this is not used for baldness at the front of the scalp or receding hairline in men. The product is available as a foam or solution to also stimulate hair growth in women with thinning hair.
It is available under the below popular brand names in the US:
- Hair Regrowth Treatment Men [OTC]
- Minoxidil for Men [OTC]
- Rogaine Mens Extra Strength [OTC]
- Rogaine Mens [OTC]
- Rogaine Womens [OTC]
Minoxidil belongs to a class of drugs known as vasodilators which is used to treat hypertension or blood pressure. Though the exact mechanism of working of minoxidil is yet to be understood, it has been successfully used for treatment of baldness since the early 90s. It is hypothesized that the medication works by dilating the blood vessels and opening channels for potassium assimilation, thus allowing more oxygen, nutrients and blood to be available, which is yet to be established.
It’s very effective promoting hair re-growth in men & women with male pattern baldness or androgenic alopecia. About 40% of men experience hair regrowth after 3–6 months. The other shortcoming of this treatment is that Minoxidil may have to be used for a longer time to support and maintain the hair follicles that have regrown by application on Minoxidil. Its effectiveness in subjects with spot baldness or bald patches (alopecia areata) is unclear.
Most people tolerate Minoxidil, but some of the side effects are irritation or burning of the eye (due to careless handling when applying the solution to the head), common skin affectations viz. redness or irritation or itching at the applied area, unwanted hair growth elsewhere on the body (again by careless handling of the medication – You would not want larger and dense eyebrows instead of thick hair on the scalp!). Temporary hair loss is a common side effect of minoxidil treatment. When any of the above symptoms are experienced it is better to discontinue the medication immediately and contact the doctor on the way forward.
Minoxidil has been shown to be ineffective for sudden and unexplained loss of hair or hair loss after pregnancy. It is advised not to use the product till the person is over 18 years old and stop using the product for people over 65 years.