Muscle fitness provides you powerful muscles which will help you in lifting heavy objects with a great ease. Muscle fitness increases your endurance so that your muscles will work longer without getting exhausted. Protection of joints is another benefit of muscle fitness. There are various benefits of resistance training like it increases your muscular endurance and strength, your lean body mass and bone mineral density also increases. Your metabolism rate becomes faster. It helps in reducing body fat, blood sugar, aches and fatigue. It helps in restricting psychological stress and increases your stability and balance too.
For making your muscle stronger you have to follow these three steps
- Stress
- Recovery
- Repeated stress
You stress your muscles a bit when you exercise against resistance but this slight stress doesn’t cause any serious injury or damage. Your body rebuilds these muscles and connective joints between them when you take rest. It prepares them to get stressed for the next session. By the repetitions of this stress exercise your muscles becomes strong.
An ideal resistance training program for increasing muscle fitness can be as follows: Basic muscle-conditioning exercises
Wall push-ups
- Stand in front of a wall at a distance of 12 to 18 inches.
- At your shoulders height place hands on the wall.
- Bring your face close to the wall by bending your elbows slowly. Move your shoulders and hips forward together.
- Push yourself to the initial position.
- Instead of a wall a counter, couch, a chair or floor can be the potion too.
Lateral raise
- Sit on a chair straighten your leg and hold it.
- Repeat it with each knee five to ten times.
- Repeat it everyday three times at least. Resistance training along with surgical tubing For this exercise a 24 inch surgical tube is required with knots tied on both ends. You can start with holding every stretch for a count of five. One can increase the counts according to the increase in strength.
Stretch and reach
- Decrease the length of the tube hold it with one hand start gripping the middle part of the tubing with the other hand.
- With hands facing forward raise both your arms overhead.
- Try to reach for the ceiling with alternate hands.
- Repeat with each hand for five times.
Overhead pull
- With hands facing forward raise both your arms overhead
- Tighten the tubing with pulling both the arms away from center slowly.
- Repeat it five times.
Training with weight
Weight training is possible with home equipments, gyms, free weights like dumbbells, resistance training machines or with your body weight.
- Start weight training with the help of an instructor or trainer. Learn all the exercises properly.
- Work out slowly and try to move your muscle through full range of motion.
- Breath control is necessary.
Muscle strengthening with free weights Instead of weights bottles, books or soup cans can be used in these exercises.
Bench fly
- Lie down on a bench, with elbows bent slightly hold your weight straight over your chest.
- Lower your arms slowly, keep them extended till the weight with leveled at your chest or lower.
- Raise your arms slowly till you come in the first position but try to keep your arms straight.
- Repeat it according to your strength.
Lateral raise
- Stand with your legs apart from each other and bend your knees slightly.
- Hold your weight on your sides at the level of thigh.
- Keep your elbows slightly bent and lift the weight from the sides to the shoulder level.
- Lower the weights back to your sides slowly.
- Repeat it according to your strength.