Fitness – Health and Wellness Program You one stop guide to health Thu, 28 Jan 2021 07:41:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Fitness – Health and Wellness Program 32 32 Health And Fitness Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:20:30 +0000 [...]]]> While many people think being fit is just about looking good, it actually means a lot more than that. Your physical well being of yours can help determine the long-term quality of your life.

We look better! We feel better about ourselves; more confident, well fitted clothes looks amazing on trimmed our body.

We can maintain a proper weight when we know what we eat and when we exercise regularly. Our muscle becomes stronger and holds our bones in correct alignment which saves us from joint pain and reduces the risk of osteoporosis

There are many other benefits of being FIT so let’s check out……

  • Rate of metabolism increases so your body burns more calories everyday.
  • It helps you to perform your daily tasks without spending much energy. It helps a fit person to have more energy left at the end of the day.
  • Strengthens your muscles, tones and maintain them. It increases your muscular endurance too.
  • Your blood pressure decreases.
  • Increases the oxidation that means more use of fat.
  • HDL (good) cholesterol is increased.
  • Increases stroke volume which makes the heart a more efficient pump
  • Increases hemoglobin concentration in your blood. Hemoglobin is part of the red blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.
  • Small clots traveling in the blood are often the cause of heart attacks and strokes. That’s why if you are fit it decreases the tendency of the blood to clot in the blood vessels.
  • Strength of the bones increases.
  • New blood vessels in the heart and other muscles develop.
  • A fit person has enlarged arteries that supply blood to the heart.
  • Improved control over blood sugar.
  • Improved sleep patterns.
  • The efficiency of digestive system increases which reduces the incidence of colon cancer.
  • Increased thickness of cartilage in joints which has a protective effect on the joints.
  • Fit women’s have 50% lesser chances of developing endometriosis by.
  • You look and feel healthier as it increases the amount of blood that flows to the skin.

In addition to all the physiological and anatomical benefits, it makes you feel GREAT!

Muscle Fitness Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:19:17 +0000 [...]]]> Muscle fitness provides you powerful muscles which will help you in lifting heavy objects with a great ease. Muscle fitness increases your endurance so that your muscles will work longer without getting exhausted. Protection of joints is another benefit of muscle fitness. There are various benefits of resistance training like it increases your muscular endurance and strength, your lean body mass and bone mineral density also increases. Your metabolism rate becomes faster. It helps in reducing body fat, blood sugar, aches and fatigue. It helps in restricting psychological stress and increases your stability and balance too.

For making your muscle stronger you have to follow these three steps

  • Stress
  • Recovery
  • Repeated stress

You stress your muscles a bit when you exercise against resistance but this slight stress doesn’t cause any serious injury or damage. Your body rebuilds these muscles and connective joints between them when you take rest. It prepares them to get stressed for the next session. By the repetitions of this stress exercise your muscles becomes strong.

An ideal resistance training program for increasing muscle fitness can be as follows: Basic muscle-conditioning exercises

Wall push-ups

  • Stand in front of a wall at a distance of 12 to 18 inches.
  • At your shoulders height place hands on the wall.
  • Bring your face close to the wall by bending your elbows slowly. Move your shoulders and hips forward together.
  • Push yourself to the initial position.
  • Instead of a wall a counter, couch, a chair or floor can be the potion too.

Lateral raise

  • Sit on a chair straighten your leg and hold it.
  • Repeat it with each knee five to ten times.
  • Repeat it everyday three times at least. Resistance training along with surgical tubing For this exercise a 24 inch surgical tube is required with knots tied on both ends. You can start with holding every stretch for a count of five. One can increase the counts according to the increase in strength.

Stretch and reach

  • Decrease the length of the tube hold it with one hand start gripping the middle part of the tubing with the other hand.
  • With hands facing forward raise both your arms overhead.
  • Try to reach for the ceiling with alternate hands.
  • Repeat with each hand for five times.

Overhead pull

  • With hands facing forward raise both your arms overhead
  • Tighten the tubing with pulling both the arms away from center slowly.
  • Repeat it five times.

Training with weight

Weight training is possible with home equipments, gyms, free weights like dumbbells, resistance training machines or with your body weight.

  • Start weight training with the help of an instructor or trainer. Learn all the exercises properly.
  • Work out slowly and try to move your muscle through full range of motion.
  • Breath control is necessary.

Muscle strengthening with free weights Instead of weights bottles, books or soup cans can be used in these exercises.

Bench fly

  • Lie down on a bench, with elbows bent slightly hold your weight straight over your chest.
  • Lower your arms slowly, keep them extended till the weight with leveled at your chest or lower.
  • Raise your arms slowly till you come in the first position but try to keep your arms straight.
  • Repeat it according to your strength.

Lateral raise

  • Stand with your legs apart from each other and bend your knees slightly.
  • Hold your weight on your sides at the level of thigh.
  • Keep your elbows slightly bent and lift the weight from the sides to the shoulder level.
  • Lower the weights back to your sides slowly.
  • Repeat it according to your strength.
Male Fitness Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:18:53 +0000 [...]]]> Physical abilities are some thing which affects a man’s ability to stay fit at most. Physical abilities of a man depend on his endurance, strength and speed. Three main factors’s which affect men potential are: their age, their health and their sex.

Age factor: anybody of any age can stay fit; but age affects strength, endurance and speed of a man hence it affects his fitness too. As we grow older our physical efficiency starts declining i.e. in early adulthood speed is at its optimum. In our 20’s we are at our strongest but endurance is much evident in later life.

To stay fit all through their lives men essentially need to find out ways to increase their potential without making any compromise with their health.

To maintain fitness at different ages men have to find ways to maximize their potential without compromising their health.

Sex makes men strong: Men have the potential to be stronger and faster then women. Though on an individual basis as strong and fast like men, they start off from a point where their body design favors different things. Women’s bodies mean they live longer and can tolerate greater extremes of temperature; men’s musculature favors speed as well as strength. On the basis of absolute force extended in total muscle force men are thirty-fifty percent more strong then women.

Health and fitness: Mental and physical well being have great contributions towards making a man fit. If you are healthy then your weight, diet, your sleep and exercise patterns have to be satisfactory to make you fit.

Fitness and nutrition: healthy and balanced diet; rich in all necessary nutrition is also a very important factor in your fitness.

Fitness and weight: your fitness level is reduced if you are overweight or underweight. If you are obese or overweight means that your body needs to work hard to function properly. Being underweight means your body is not capable of working efficiently so this also not healthier too.

Fitness and exercise: exercise is a means through which we can keep our bodies fit and in action always. Our waste and our joints loose their flexibility without exercise. Our body burns calories through exercising easily. Exercising is beneficial to check on weight and it helps to improve our body functioning and sleeping patterns as well.

Physical Fitness Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:16:11 +0000 [...]]]> Don’t start exercising after just reading that article in a magazine because in that case you might land up getting involved in over training. Don’t even get inspired with the training schedules of professional bodybuilders as thy take steroids and their daily routine includes only training, eating and schedule. A normal working men or women can’t follow this routine.

But that doesn’t mean that there are no means of staying fit for you. So when you have to start training just go to the basic compounds and make it simple.

But you should not neglect any muscle, specially legs and back. These are very important muscles as if they are in a shape everything else will follow it and these are the muscles which are generally neglected. You should make a routine which incorporates compound exercises, these exercises involve multiple muscles which helps in moving weight.

Here is the list of main compound exercises for every primary muscle of your’s


  • T-Bar Rows
  • Pull-Ups
  • Barbell Rows
  • Dead lifts


  • Straight Leg Dead lifts- can be done with bending slightly
  • Leg Press
  • Squats


  • Flat Bench Press- Dumbbell or Barbell
  • Incline Bench Press- Dumbbell or Barbell
  • Dips – to hit your chest try to lean more forward. Flat bench and dips will. affect your lower chest


  • Push Press
  • Military Press


  • Dips -try to keep your body more upright
  • Lying Triceps Extensions or Skull Crushers
  • Close Grip Bench-keep distance between your hands of about 8-12 inches


  • Dumbbell or Barbell Curls
  • Preacher Curls
  • Incline Curl

These are the basic exercises that you should do for every muscle. Don’t try too many machines and cables these exercises are enough to keep you fit.

For gaining mass weights are more efficient. Machines are for isolation and one really don’t need them until he is going for a contest based on physique.

Try to keep your sets relatively low as after being torn down by lifting your depleted muscle need proper nutrition. But if you ignore right nutrition then by doing many sets will tear your muscle down more and more and proper repair will not be possible. In such a condition you would be tearing them down and may land loosing instead of gaining.

6-8 sets for smaller body parts and 9-12 sets for bigger body parts. To gain a good size and sets keep your reps low.

Now you now what are you exactly do to in a gym to gain strength, flexibility and a fit body. Just keep your limits in mind, try to make it simple and heavy. Always remember Patience is the buzz word

Ideal Height And Weight Chart For Men Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:14:38 +0000 [...]]]> Ideal Height And Weight Chart For Men

Feet Inches
5′ 2″ 128-134 131-141 138-150
5′ 3″ 130-136 133-143 140-153
5” 4″ 132-138 135-145 142-156
5′ 5″ 134-140 137-148 144-160
5′ 6″ 136-142 139-151 146-164
5′ 7″ 138-145 142-154 149-168
5′ 8″ 140-148 145-157 152-172
5′ 9″ 142-151 148-160 155-176
5′ 10″ 144-154 151-163 158-180
5′ 11″ 146-157 154-166 161-184
6′ 0″ 149-160 157-170 164-188
6′ 1″ 152-164 160-174 168-192
6′ 2″ 155-168 164-178 172-197
6′ 3″ 158-172 167-182 176-202
6′ 4″ 162-176 171-187 181-207
Weights at ages 25-59 based on lowest mortality. Weight in pounds according to frame (in indoor clothing weighing 5 lbs.; shoes with 1″ heels)
Fitness As Career Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:13:50 +0000 [...]]]> Fitness As Carreer What It Takes To Be A Fitness Model Let’s Talk To A Fitness Model Want to be a fitness model then first check out that what a famous fitness model Yolanda Dixon does to stay fit……..

She eats

90% of the times she tries to eat clean. So that she doest feel bad about rest 10% of the time that she indulge.

Her meal plan includes:

First meal: oatmeal, cottage cheese and egg whites mixed together to form a pancake batter or Egg Whites and Oatmeal

Second meal: cottage cheese and fruit or Protein Shake

Third meal: spinach, baked potato and chicken breast.

Forth meal: Protein Shake

Fifth meal: Fish and some form of Green Vegetables.

Sixth meal: egg white omelet or proteins shake

To keep away boredom she tries to change things every six weeks. Her current program is:

  • Monday: Shoulders Pro Training Class
  • Tuesday: Back and Biceps in the morning Gymnastics / Practice of her routine in the evening
  • Wednesday: Pro Training Class
  • Thursday: Chest and Triceps in the Morning Gymnastics / Practice of her routine in the evening
  • Friday: Legs
  • Cardio Dance Class
  • Saturday: Cardio, sometimes she utilizes this day to train a specific body part.
  • Sunday: Rest

Her pro training classes include punching as well as kicking drills against the bag, sprint and a two miles run. She always exercises in presence of a trainer or instructor.

She takes supplements for Protein, Glutamine and variety of Vitamins.

If you also want to become a fitness models then are a few suggestion that will help you for sure.

  • Stop comparing yourself with the other models.
  • Concentrate on what is healthy for your body.
  • Taking good care of your health and yourself is an essential factor.
  • Follow diets plan strictly, taking advice of an expert is recommended.
  • Make exercising a regular routine.
  • Regular physical check ups are required to know that how your body is responding to the new schedule which involves new eating, exercise and rest patterns.

What to Eat..

Fitness models stays on a low fat diet for a short period like when they have a photo shoot or have to enter a contest. In the off season most of the models keep a high body fat level because low body fat levels are physiologically unmanageable. Some fitness models use anabolic steroids but other drugs apart from that are diuretics, appetite suppressants, thermogenics, amphetamines, and the plethora of gray market bodybuilding.

Must for you

  • Try to have lots of water and green vegetables.
  • Try to healthier food instead of fried and processed stuff.
  • Become more active go for walks, runs, gyms. Keep on moving.
  • Choose healthier foods, Processed and fried foods are what will get you.
  • Don’t stress yourself and try to take a sleep of at least 8 hours.
  • Don’t take diet soda because they make weight loss more difficult.

So, Best of luck. Just let me know when actually become fitness model.

Exercises To Stay Fit Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:13:18 +0000 [...]]]> Exercising basics
  • Weight Loss ??
  • Looking Good ???
  • Fitness ????

Single Solution EXERCISE

Exercising can be a really good option for loosing weight, getting into shape and looking good. But before you get into action it’s important to know few things about exercising.

Your present fitness level, age, health, skills, convenience and interest are the factors which decide how much, how long, how often, you should exercise and what all exercises one should do. These are some of the activities necessary for an average person to stay fit.


5-10 minutes like walking, mild jogging, trunk rotators, arm circles. Those movements which have low intensity that stimulate movements to be used in activity can be included in warm-up.


to increase strength 20 minute session per week including exercises for all muscle groups is a must.


exercises such as calisthenics, pushups, sit-ups, pull-ups, and weight training for all the major muscle groups for at least 30 minutes per week.


at least 20 minute continuous aerobic rhythmic exercises every week .continuous games like racquetball and handball, activities like brisk walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, rowing, rope jumping, are popular aerobic exercises.


daily stretching exercises for 10 – 12 minutes slowly without a bouncing motion.


low level exercise, slow walking combined with stretching for a minimum of 5-10 minutes. Early morning time remains the popular time to exercise as it makes people more energetic on the job. But many a times people skip exercising as they don’t get time to exercise in the morning and the excuse is “WHEN TO EXERCISE ???

An hour before your evening meal is perfect for exercise. Work out in late afternoon helps to welcome a change of pace at the end of a tiring day. It also helps in eliminating worries and tensions. You should schedule your workouts at a time when there are very few chances of skipping it because of your other engagements.

Exercising in hot, humid environment or within two hours of eating should be seriously avoided.

Why Exercise ????

Exercise increases our metabolic rate which helps in burning calories faster. Studies show that for the few hours following exercise you continue to burn calories at faster rate.

Many people who shift to a low calorie diet their metabolism rate goes down and their body starts conserving energy. Exercise will not allow your body to move into that condition as it prevents the body from moving towards the starvation response.

Lean tissues are required to metabolize fat. Those who diet but don’t exercise loose these lean tissues. Hence they have less muscle tissue to metabolize fat. Those who exercise gain muscle mass instead of loosing. People who increase their exercise and cuts calories gain a few pounds of lean tissue as they loose body fat.

Your body chemistry is also affected with exercising. According to many studies muscle tissues from trained athletes have more fat burning enzymes than that of the untrained ones.

Most of the fat people have excessive amount of insulin in their body. Excess amount of insulin in tissues is not used by the cells and a cause increased storage of fat. Through exercise insulin in the body is utilized to a great extent hence reduces the need for insulin in the body.

We can’t say that exercise is a means of appetite control. Appetite control following exercise can be psychological but many a times works.

There are many other benefits too of exercising like it helps in increasing efficiency of heart, lungs and muscle strength, reduces cholesterol as well as blood pressure. It surely decreases the fear of diabetes and heart diseases.

Exercising provides you load of energy which results in less stress, improved quality sleep and mental acuity of course.

Home Fitness Equipment Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:12:35 +0000 [...]]]> If you are planning to invest in the home fitness equipments to save your time then here are few most popular as well as effective options which you can bring home and can stay fit for ever….

One of the popular means of exercising is STATIONARY BICYCLE. This bicycle works the lungs, heart and legs. Most of the bicycles have adjustable pedal resistance and braking force. Some of them have moveable handlebars too.

Essentials of a good bicycle include well positioned handle bars, smooth pedaling, comfortable seat, an odometer and speedometer, smooth pedaling and a quite break mechanism. To reduce the boredom pf exercising you can always listen to music watch TV or anything you like to do.

Another option is ROWING MACHINES. It provides aerobic work out for your whole body. Lungs, heart, legs, abdomen on, back, shoulders and arms are all worked when you use rowing machine.

Running cause pounding on your legs and knees but its not the case with rowing. Apart from aerobic benefit rowing builds your muscle strength and endurance too.

home fitness equipment
home fitness equipment

Two types of rowing machines are available in the market. Hydraulic machine uses a piston to give resistance. With the help of a cable driven machine, your pull spins a flywheel. It produces a smooth action which is similar to rowing on water. A little strain on the back is caused by the smoothness of flywheel. If proper adjustment according to the height is not done hydraulic rowers can create back strain.

Rowing just like cycling support your weight through seat and not your legs puts less strain on your legs and knees. Treadmills are becoming more popular.

Heart, lungs and leg muscle can be benefited through TREADMILLS. Treadmills are motor driven with controls for speed and elevation. Sturdy safety rail is a must. Because of foot irritation non motorized treadmills are not preferred.

It can be set at a speed and pace of your choice so it can go as fast or as slow as you will be running and walking.

REBOUNDERS are also preferred by a lot of people as mini-tramps. Mimi-tramps are designed to work as springboard to give you height on the other hand rebounder absorbs the stress of low bouncing during exercising. Like running it does not produce stress on your joints. Being portable and easy to store it becomes a strong contender for your house.

The only problem with rebounders is that you don’t get as much aerobic benefit as you get from jogging.

But before using these equipments you must ensure that you know how to use it. If you have any medical problem than taking doctors advice is beneficial.

Fitness For kids Wed, 17 Jun 2020 12:12:08 +0000 [...]]]> In a modern world like today ever body is looking forward to be fit. Therefore there’s a lot of discussion these days about fit kids too. Parents, doctors, teachers, and others want to help kids to become fit and active. A fit kid has a healthy weight, eats well and is involved into a lot of physical activity. A kid can do a lot of things if he is fit and can enjoy his childhood in better ways.

Parents are the only one who can take care that which food is best suited for their kids.

Here are some guidelines which may help your child to stay fit and healthy.

Having variety of foods, especially fruits and vegetables is a must. Your child may have a favorite food, but the best choice is to have a variety. Your child gets more nutrients that his body needs if he eats different foods. Green veggies are a good option for your kid as Iam sure he must not have tried them from ages. Make five servings of fruits and vegetables as a part of his daily routine. Stock the house with healthy foods. Here’s one combination that might work him:

  • 2 spears of broccoli
  • 10 baby carrots
  • On breakfast cereal – 1/2 cup strawberries
  • Salsa with chips-1/2 cup
  • Fruit juice

Make him drink water and milk most often as cold water is the No. 1 thirst-quencher when you are really thirsty. Kids need calcium so as to grow strong bones. Milk is a great source of calcium. How much calories your kid needs here it is:

  • 6 to 8 years: 800 milligram each day
  • 9 years or older: 1300 milligrams a day

Here’s a list of foods and drinks that would add up to the 1,300-milligram daily goal:

  • 2 cups of milk
  • 2 ounces of cheese
  • 1 cup of yogurt
  • 1/2 cup cooked white beans

Apart from milk and water you can allow him to have 100% fruit juice but as sugar adds more calories so try to keep him away from sugary drinks, like sodas, juice cocktails, and fruit punches.

  • Don’t allow him to indulge in overeating. Try to teach him to eat till his stomach feels comfortable as over a period of time overeating can lead to unhealthy weight gain.
  • Limit his screen time. It’s the amount of time your child spends in watching TV, DVDs, and videos, playing handheld computer games, and using the computer. This will help him to take out more time for physical activities like basketball, bike riding, and swimming. Don’t allow him to spend no more than 2 hours a day on screen time.
  • Help him to find out what are the activities he likes the most. Not everyone loves baseball or soccer. Maybe your ward likes karate, or kickball, or dancing. You can also get involved as it will increase his morale as well as interest. You can also make a list of fun activities which children generally like to do so as to help him in finding out his interests. You can plan physical activities for the family.
Time Saver Tips for the Gym Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:07:17 +0000 [...]]]> Today’s lifestyles are at such a high pace that it seems that people do not have enough hours in a day to do everything that they have planned to do. Everywhere people go, whatever they’re doing, they are always in a hurry trying to save time. Whether people are trying to save time grocery shopping or in their household chores, saving precious minutes in the gym and putting in a descent workout is no different. Although there’s never an excuse for sloppy exercise technique, there are dozens of safe ways to shave time from your workout routine while still having an energizing and fulfilling workout. Here are some of the most effective time-saving strategies.

  1. Early Riser
    in most gyms, there are usually fewer people training in the morning. What this means is there is less socializing time and faster access to the weight stations. Training before breakfast is also better for you because you will be burning off stored fat calories by using them as your energy fuel.
  2. Bring a Water Bottle
    Instead of running to water fountain every-time you need water, why not just bring a water bottle? There are a lot of people out there that only go for water after each exercise because they don’t want to walk all that way after each set. With a water bottle, not only do you save time, but you keep your body properly hydrated, resulting in better workout performance.
  3. Stretch and Warm Up
    People go into the gym and start hitting the weights right away without even any thought of warming up or stretching. By taking 5-10 minutes of your time to raise you body temperature, help get your blood circulating and loosening your tight joints, you will be enhancing your workout performance as well decrease your risk of injury.
  4. Adjust the Bench
    Taking ahold of an adjustable bench gives you the flexibility to perform a multitude of exercises amongst a gym-full of chaos. You can do bench presses, shoulder presses, crunches, curls, triceps extensions, upright rows, etc. You’ll have a much smoother and efficient workout when you have all the barbells and dumbbells nearby, so the only time you have to move is to grab different weights.
  5. Polar Opposites
    In between sets instead of standing around, you can really speed up your workout by doing one of two things; a) you can stretch or b) you can train opposing muscle groups during your rest periods. For example, after a set of bench press to work your chest, IMMEDIATELY do a set of pulldowns for your upper and middle back.
  6. Limit the Socializing
    By cutting back on the chit-chats at the gym and concentrating more on your workout you’ll be able to shave at least 10-15 minutes on average per workout.
  7. Time Yourself
    When you’re in a hurry, try taking 1 minute rest periods between sets. And about 2 minutes between exercises. Keep in mind that the shorter the rest period, the less time you are giving your body to recover so try to keep the weights a little on the lighter side. Keep a close eye on that clock. As soon as it hits 1 minute, BAM, start your next set.
  8. Avoid Prime Time Hours
    Working out during the peak hours, when there are a lot of people in the gym, can be an absolute nightmare. Waiting around for a weight station to free up is never fun. The gym’s peak hours are typically 10am “” 2pm and then again at 4-8pm so if you want a peak performance workout try to avoid working out during these times. You’ll wind up wasting time and wasting your workout.
  9. Cardio Workout
    There are gyms out there that put a time limit on how long you can use an aerobic machine such as a stepper, treadmill, elliptical, bikes and etc. If your gym enforces such rules one effective way to get a good 40-60 minute cardio workout without leaving the area is to have a 20 minute interval workout for 3 different machines by switching from treadmill to bike to elliptical.
  10. Be Creative
    If you are one to constantly workout during peak hours at the gym where you constantly wait for weight stations to free up. Try different ways to do the same exercise, for example; use dumbbells to do dumbbell presses instead of bench press or dumbbell squats, or lunges instead of typical squats. You can also have a great and stimulating workout using different forms and ways to do the exercises and it beats waiting in line.
  11. Partner Up
    Exercising together with your spouse, or significant other can be a good way to spend quality time together while burning calories and getting in shape. You don’t necessarily have to work out together because your workouts and goals might be different. But it’s a great way to develop a bond and to push and motivate each other.
  12. Get a Locker
    Getting a locker can save you a lot of time. You can keep extra clothes, extra workout clothes, and toiletries to help you out when you need to train in a pinch. You also don’t have to empty your locker everytime you go for a workout like you do if you were using a day locker.
  13. Plan, Plan, Plan
    You’ve heard it time and time again: if you fail to plan you’re planning to fail. Said in fitness jargon, he who walks into the gym and wanders around wastes massive amounts of time. Sit down and plan your workout routine. If you want to see results you should stick with 1 program for at least 3-4 weeks before changing it again. With proper planning you know what to do and what needs to be done before you even walked into the gym, can save you massive amounts of time.
  14. Preparation
    Just like planning you need to be prepared if you want to shave more time off at the gym. By preparing your clothes and your meals the night before you don’t have to run around like a chicken with your head cut off looking for things right before you head out the door.