White-collar family in the fast-paced city life, there are always a variety of pressures, if not in time there will be to ease the negative impact that some people feel pressure when you like to eat, it is better to come through food Relieve stress.
1, Skim milk: Scientists confirm that the treatment of insomnia and anxiety traditional hot milk therapy is effective. Experts, calcium can reduce muscle spasms, relieve stress. Drink a glass of milk (preferably skim or 1 percent milk fat) can alleviate PMS, such as mood changes, anxiety, irritability, one study showed that drinking up to a week and a glass of milk than women, every day drink four or more cups of low-fat or skim milk of women suffering from PMS by chance reduced by 46%.
2, Oatmeal: dark chocolate and carbohydrates can make the brain produce serotonin A people feel relaxed chemicals. Experts, the body’s absorption of carbohydrates speed slower, more stable levels of serotonin, the mood suddenly crash situation, the more impossible. Taste thick, nutritious cereals are rich in fiber, can slow down the absorption rate of the stomach. Experts also proposed to add jam in cereals in order to speed up the brain to produce serotonin. When you have to face when the high pressure of the day, to avoid finishing the food, so food digest faster, the best choice for old-fashioned oatmeal. If breakfast time is tight, choose instant oatmeal, cocoa throw muffins.
3, Tomato and citrus: Eat more foods rich in vitamin C, has the effect of balance of psychological pressure. Because people in bear a greater psychological pressure, the body will consume more than usual about 8 times the vitamin C, the main source of vitamin C for the fresh vegetables and fruits, including citrus fruits and tomatoes are the best source of vitamin C.
4, Bananas: bananas contain a substance that can make people’s mood becomes happy and comfortable. Bananas are rich in potassium can maintain body acid-base and electrolyte balance and metabolic balance, neuromuscular excitability to maintain normal coordination myocardial systolic and diastolic function, blood pressure in the normal state. An exam students often eat bananas can ease the tension and stable state of mind.
5, Millet gruel: Millet is rich in essential amino acids and other high-quality protein, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin A, nicotinic acid, niacin, thiamin, carotene and so many nutritionists B vitamins will be treated as decompression agent, it can be adjusted endocrine, emotional balance, relax.
6, Salmon: number one enemy of stress hormones is Ω-3 fatty acids found an item rich in Ω-3 fatty acids levels of cortisone and adrenaline study also found that can be controlled, Ω-3 fatty acids can prevent heart disease . Eat 100 grams of fish, particularly fatty fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, light tuna, at least twice a week.
7, Spinach: Magnesium has the role of emotional calm. When you start a new chat at the company party, this mineral helps to reduce stress, keep you relatively relaxed state. Magnesium deficiency can cause migraines and easy fatigue. A bowl of spinach can provide 40% of the daily intake of magnesium. Sandwiches and salads to do next time, try to replace cabbage with spinach.
8, Almonds: Language confusion when you going crazy, try to grab a handful of almonds. Almonds are rich in vitamin E, one kind of antioxidants can enhance immunity. Almonds also contain vitamin B, helps you face bad abnormal event. Eat about a quarter cup of almonds a day can be effective decompression, decompression is another good way to throw away the traditional peanut butter in the high-pressure days, instead almond sauce.